Consulting Services
We specialize in consulting services for design of wire exclusion barriers not to mention creating strategies for pest control for any type of property.
Consulting Services – Private Properties
We will help you create pest animal strategies with attention to pest animal exclusion barriers. What’s more you will learn how to use use animal deterrents to discourage pest animals from disturbing certain areas. As a last resort we will offer recommendations for humane lethal or live trapping of pest animals.
Pest Animals:
Consulting Services – Contractors & Landscapers
We will help you plan a landscape with the local pest problems in mind for reduced maintenance costs and labor. To illustrate, many landscapes can take advantage of natural barriers. To put it another way, natural barriers can utilize built-in pest control that is invisible which will possibly stop pest problems before they start.
We specialize in the design of:
- Incorporating barriers in and around landscapes
- Protective wire mesh barriers under sod
- Vertical barriers around gardens and small sensitive areas
- Custom fencing and other physical barriers for larger pests such as the raccoon, skunk and opossum
Consulting Services – Farm, Orchard & Vineyard
We will come to your farm, orchard or vineyard and estimate pest animal populations and potential solutions for abatement of damage and/or control of the pest animal. Moreover, a strategy will be a several pronged approach to ensure success.
For example, for a gopher problem we will offer the following:
- Efficient trapping methods are demonstrated
- Ways of attracting predatory animals for the purpose of pest control are explored
- Installation of permanent wire barriers are examined
These strategies are adapted for particular conditions including environment, cost and labor force available. We have worked with many kinds of vineyards, from backyard to mid-sized and very large multi-site vineyards. We have had success, especially in converting growers from using toxins to using Cinch Traps to control gophers, and in vineyards as large as 30,000 acres.
Consulting Services – Parks, Schools & Institutions
We have successfully consulted with institutions and commercial landscapes and areas that need to refrain from the use of poisons. Schools, government buildings, parks, levees, water ways all are special focus areas for non-toxic control. We will work with maintenance staff to provide solutions that can be incorporated into daily schedules without large extra outlays of time, or find physical solutions that require no time or maintenance.